Unfortunately, not all of our industries are as exciting as the ones we see all the time. Coaches, boutiques, brand stylists, home designers. These things are the fun things, the cherry on top. Our industries, the lawyers, accountants, financial advisers, not so much. We are the necessary not the exciting. However, that is why it is more important for us to build personal brands around our businesses. Here are five reasons why.

- These potential clients are not looking to hire a firm, they still are looking to hire the person in the firm. Think about it. When you were looking to hire an accountant did you really say, oh I’ve heard great things about this firm, I’m going to hire them. No, chances are you chose the accountant you wanted to work with, and then worked with them regardless of the firm they were in. Now the firm might help, but when hiring in the boring industries we usually hire people before the firm.
- Creating a personal brand makes you an expert authority in your field. When you establish yourself as an expert in what you do, people are more likely to go to you when they have an issue in the field they perceive you to be the expert in. This makes you standout from the crowd of others hiding behind their firm or not establishing themselves as a brand separate from their place of employment.
- A personal brand builds know, like, trust, and respect. By creating a personal brand you will be establishing yourself not just as the expert, but the person behind the profession. I always like to say “law is my profession, entrepreneurship is my passion.” This helps people learn more about me and my mission thus getting a feeling of the person behind the business. Have a well established brand helps you stand out among your peers and colleagues as well which is important to further establish authority in your field.
- A personal brand will get you more clients, guaranteed. Building on the above mentioned items, by establishing a strong personal brand you are guaranteed to get more clients. As clients ourselves we want to work with people. We want to know they are the expert in their field, have authority, are respected, and have gained our trust through their dedication to educate us. When choosing between someone who hasn’t posted on instagram in months and someone who posts educational and entertaining posts weekly, we are going to choose the latter.
- Your personal brand will make you more money. Of course getting more clients from your brand will help you make more money, but the other positive result of having a strong personal brand is that you can more easily make money other ways. Maybe you are asked to be a speaker at conferences or summits, maybe you create courses, or maybe you gain influencer status and are paid for your influence. The options are really endless but all come as a result of a strong personal brand.
Hopefully now you are more clear on the benefits of building a personal brand, even if you aren’t in the most exciting industry. A strong personal brand transcends any industry. And since most people in these more boring industries don’t actually build personal brands, you will stand out to potential customers ultimately resulting in more clients and more money in your business.