Ep 01: Why You Need a Trademark for Your Business

The Law and Business Podcast

The Law and Business Podcast

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Extract from episode 01 –
Why You Need a Trademark for Your Business

“Trademark means I’m the only one that can use the name, the logo, the tagline.

But this is arguably the most important because having a registered trademark means no one else can use the same name or even a similar name. So a similar sounding name when selling in the same class of goods or services.

If you’re both coaches and you’re both selling a course program in the name that sounds very similar, and you have the trademark, you have the advantage because you can get them to stop using it.

So this is such an asset for your business because you have put like the blood, sweat, the tears, all that into building your brand and you want it to be successful. So if someone else is knocking you off, that’s going to be pretty annoying. You’re going to have to rebrand, you’re going to have to rebuild up that goodwill, and we don’t want to have to do that.

So the first reason is that you get exclusive rights to use that mark, that’s super important. The second reason is that we don’t want to infringe on someone else…”


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