Your scrolling through Instagram and find a photo you love, so you screenshot it and save it to your camera roll. A few weeks later, you come across the image and decide to repost it on Instagram. You can’t remember who the original photographer was so you just let it slide and don’t credit anyone.
Does this sound familiar? Well I know this is a somewhat obvious case of copyright infringement, it isn’t unheard of. Here are some ways to insure that you are not a part of infringing on anyone else’s copyright.
- Ask Permission. This seems obvious and basic but you would be surprised how many people do not ask permission before they post or repost someone else’s photo. If you want to use a photo, work of art, quote, etc. created by someone other than yourself, you need written permission. You want to keep this written permission in case the creator ever came back and alleges they didn’t give you permission to use their creation.
- Give Credit. Most people are pretty good about giving credit, but this credit means nothing if you didn’t first get permission. However, once you do obtain written permission you must still credit the original creator of the work. This can easily be done on social media by tagging or @mentioning the creator.
- Check Licenses and Terms of Use. If you are using a free image, make sure you are familiar with how that image can be used. Just because it is a free image or a stock image does not mean you can do whatever you want with it. Be sure to know if you can use the image outright, if you need to give attribution, or any other license or restrictions on the use of the creation by the creator. And remember, google images is not a free image site. Most of these images are protected and you will need to find the original creator and ask for permission to use the creation before you do!
Have more questions about copyright infringement or how to file a federal copyright and protect yourself against infringement? Set up a free 15 minute call with me here!