2022 Trademark Trends Part 3: NFTs


Each new year brings a wave of new trends and interests to every field, but this year we’re looking at smoother processes, faster application review times, and the expansion of trademark law to keep up with new technology. 

So, what can you expect from Trademark law in 2022? Keep reading to find out: 


As NFTs grow in popularity, there will likely be an influx in trademark applications for NFTs. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are relatively new, but as an up and coming area of business more and more companies are filing for trademarks on their NFT business logos and names. This could bring interesting new developments to trademark law. 

When NFTs were just luxury or collectible items in 2020, there were only 20 trademark applications filed for NFT companies. In 2021, that number grew to 1400. This indicates that the growth will continue in 2022. 

NFTs are digital assets that can be protected by trademark law in the same way that any other good or service can. 2022 is likely to bring a rise in the acquisition of NFTs which will undoubtedly lead to more trademarks. This could mean new business and investment opportunities for entrepreneurs and influencers. 

Trademark Trends in 2022 

While the majority of the interest for the average business owner is in the adjustments to the processes within the trademark office, there are going to be a number of changes in the area of law. To learn more about updates to the application process or how to get your trademark registered, schedule a 30 minute consulting call.

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