Ep 02: Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Trademark Attorney

The Law and Business Podcast

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Extract from episode 02 –
Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Trademark Attorney

“Time to make sure you are protected.

So you want to make sure that you choose a trademark attorney that is a good fit for you, someone that you’re comfortable with, someone that you feel aligns with your values and how you do business. But there are always some questions that you can ask just to make sure that you’re covering all your basis.

The first one is how much experience do you have as an attorney and with filing trademarks? Now I want to point out that just because someone says “I’ve been doing this for 20 years” doesn’t necessarily make or make them a better attorney.
You know, you can think about, maybe someone that hasn’t been practicing so long is more on top of things because they’re, trying to learn and they’re trying to be the best and they’re trying to stay on top of all these changes where someone that’s been doing it longer might be comfortable.

I don’t know if that’s true, but that’s the sense that you want to get right. So to you, maybe back 20 years of experience is what sealed the deal for you. That’s super important to you. It doesn’t matter. It’s your choice. But you just want to have a sense of how much experience they actually have. Now, if someone’s $50 to $100 and they say, this is my first one, and you’re like, great, I didn’t want to pay a lot.
I’d love to give you the experience then. Awesome experience doesn’t necessarily equal better, but I do think that there’s a level of experience and understanding the nuances that go along with the trademark process that are important. So make sure you consider those.

The second thing you may want to ask is, is the firm a trademark only firm…”


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